Showing posts with label metamaterials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label metamaterials. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Abstract-Passively Tunable Terahertz Filters Using Liquid Crystal Cells Coated with Metamaterials


 Wei-Fan Chiang ,Yu-Yun Lu ,Yin-Pei Chen ,Xin-Yu Lin ,Tsong-Shin Lim ,Jih-Hsin Liu ,Chia-Rong Lee , Chia-Yi Huang

Liquid crystal (LC) cells that are coated with metamaterials are fabricated in this work. The LC directors in the cells are aligned by rubbed polyimide layers, and make angles θ of 0°, 45°, and 90° with respect to the gaps of the split-ring resonators (SRRs) of the metamaterials. Experimental results display that the resonance frequencies of the metamaterials in these cells increase with an increase in θ, and the cells have a maximum frequency shifting region of 18 GHz. Simulated results reveal that the increase in the resonance frequencies arises from the birefringence of the LC, and the LC has a birefringence of 0.15 in the terahertz region. The resonance frequencies of the metamaterials are shifted by the rubbing directions of the polyimide layers, so the LC cells coated with the metamaterials are passively tunable terahertz filters. The passively tunable terahertz filters exhibit promising applications on terahertz communication, terahertz sensing, and terahertz imaging. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Abstract-Dynamically controllable terahertz absorber based on a graphene-vanadium dioxide-metal configuration


Jingyu Zhang, Xiaoqing Yang, Xiaojing Huang, Fuyu Li, Peng Liu. Kechang Fu

Metamaterials have attracted much attention due to their subwavelength scales, especially in the field of designing terahertz devices. In this paper, a graphene-vanadium oxide (VO2) composite aluminum (GVCA) metamaterial absorber with two-dimensional control properties is designed. The simulation results show that the number of narrowband absorption peaks in the absorption spectrum can be switched through the phase transition characteristics of VO2. The number of narrow-band absorption peaks before and after the phase transition is one and two, and the absorption efficiency is 100% and 90%, respectively. The physical mechanism of narrowband absorption peaks is analyzed by electric field and surface current distribution. The influencing factors of narrowband absorption peaks are explored, including the line length of graphene, the linewidth of graphene and the side length of VO2. Through active regulation of the graphene Fermi level, the absorption bandwidth can completely cover the entire frequency bawnd of 0.1 to 1.1 THz, and the absorption efficiency can be maintained at about 90%. For different linear polarized (LP) waves, the influence of the incident angle on the absorption performance is studied respectively. This work promotes the application of metamaterials in THz imaging, sensing, and cloaking.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Abstract-CMOS fully integrated terahertz thermal detector using metamaterial absorber and proportional-to-absolute temperature sensor Xu Wang


Xu Wang

Terahertz (THz) detectors have drawn much attention and have been widely applied in imaging, spectroscopy, and sensing fields. An uncooled monolithic resonant THz thermal detector implemented in a standard 55-nm CMOS process is presented. The integration of a frequency selective metamaterial (MM) absorber coupled with an optimized proportional-to-absolute temperature (PTAT) sensor leads to an approach toward uncooled, compact, low-cost, easy-integration, and mass-production THz detectors. The theoretical analysis, design considerations, and characteristic measurements are demonstrated in detail. The proposed thermal detector is designed to resonate at 2.58 THz for the accessible THz source and the natural atmospheric window. The MM absorber achieves near-perfect absorptivity of 98.6%, and the optimized PTAT sensor obtains a high-temperature sensitivity of 10.11  mV  /    °  C. The calculated responsivity is 49.81  V  /  W at 2.58 THz with a calculated noise-equivalent power (NEP) of 0.78  μW  /  Hz0.5 at a modulation frequency of 3 Hz. Relatively better experimental results are obtained at 2.58 THz with a maximum responsivity of 48.3  V  /  W and a minimum NEP of 1.06  μW  /  Hz0.5.

© 2020 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 0091-3286/2020/$28.00 © 2020 SPIE

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Abstract-Reconfigurable Terahertz Metamaterial Using Split-Ring Meta-Atoms with Multifunctional Electromagnetic Characteristics

Yuhang Liao, Yu-Sheng Lin, ,

We propose a reconfigurable terahertz (THz) metamaterial (RTM) to investigate its multifunctional electromagnetic characteristics by moving the meta-atoms of split-ring resonator (SRR) array. It shows the preferable and capable adjustability in the THz frequency range. The electromagnetic characteristics of the proposed RTM device are compared and analyzed by moving the meta-atoms in different polarized transverse magnetic (TM) and transverse electric (TE) modes. The symmetrical meta-atoms of RTM device exhibit a resonant tuning range of several tens of GHz and the asymmetrical meta-atoms of RTM device exhibit the better tunability. Therefore, an RTM device with reconfigurable meta-atoms possesses the resonance shifting, polarization switching, electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) switching and multiband to single-band switching characteristics. This proposed RTM device provides the potential possibilities for the use of THz-wave optoelectronics with tunable resonance, EIT analog and tunable multiresonance characteristics

Friday, July 24, 2020

Abstract-The terahertz metamaterials for sensitive biosensors in the detection of ethanol solutions

Author links open overlay panelFuyu LiKe HeTingting TangYinghui MaoRui WangChaoyang LiJian Shen,

                                               Fig. 3. (a) the relationship between the simulated reflectance and absorption rate and… 

Metamaterials have attracted much attention due to their subwavelength characteristics, especially in the field of unlabeled refractive index sensing. Because biomolecular molecules have special biological fingerprint spectra in terahertz band, high sensitivity sensor components can be realized by using the special electromagnetic response of metamaterials. In this paper, a novel biosensor based on electromagnetic induced reflection is designed. We find that the asymmetrically fractured double-ring resonator can effectively enhance the fano-resonance of electromagnetic induction reflection, where the resonance position occurs at 1.57 THz. Oscillating Lorentz model shows that when the resonant detuning continues to increase, the bright mode and the dark mode are strongly coupled. When the light mode decreases, the radiation loss also decreases, which induces the decrease of resonance ability. The sensitivity of pure ethanol solution (analyte) under  coating thickness is 103.7 GHz/RIU, 107.1 GHz/RIU and 112.05 GHz/RIU, respectively. The sensitivity and full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the sensor are studied from the perspectives of analyte concentration, thickness, and proportion, respectively. The results show the great potential of electromagnetic metamaterials as sensitive sensors in biological solution detection.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Transferring orbital angular momentum of light to plasmonic excitations in metamaterials

Metamaterial structure for OAM transfer. (A) Schematic view with the following structural parameters: inner radius (r), outer radius (R), periodicity (d), groove width (a), and number of grooves (N). The refractive indices inside the groove and outside the disk are given by ng and nout, respectively. (B) Optical image of the sample made of gold (r = 70 μm, R = 100 μm, N = 30, and a/d = 0.4). The thickness is around 100 nm. Chromium (10 nm thick) is deposited under the gold as an adhesion layer. Credit: Science Advances, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aay1977

by Thamarasee Jeewandara

The vortex beam with orbital angular momentum (OAM) is a new and ideal tool to selectively excite dipole forbidden states through linear optical absorption. The emergence of the vortex beam with OAM provides intriguing opportunities to induce optical transitions beyond the framework of electric dipole interactions. The unique feature arose from the transfer of OAM from light-to-material as demonstrated with electronic transitions in atomic systems .

In a new report on Science Advances, T. Arikawa and a team of researchers in physics, electrical engineering and cell materials science in Japan and Canada, detailed OAM transfer to electrons in . They used metamaterials to show how multipolar modes of surface electromagnetic excitations, also known as 'spoof' localized surface plasmons, could be selectively induced through the terahertz vortex beam. Spoof surface plasmons are a type of surface plasmon polariton (SPP) that typically propagates across dielectric and metallic interfaces at infrared and visible frequencies. However, since such polaritons cannot naturally occur in terahertz or , spoof  require artificial metamaterials for propagation in such frequencies.
The selection rules of the study were governed by the conservation of total angular momentum, which Arikawa et al. confirmed using numerical simulations. The efficient transfer of light  to elementary excitations at room temperature in solid-state systems can expand the potential for experimental OAM manipulation to construct OAM-based applications, including quantum memories and OAM-based sensors.
Light-matter interactions are governed by spatial-temporal structures of a light field and via material wave functions. Researchers have used nonlinear optical methods such as two-photon absorption to selectively excite a specific dark mode, in the presence of strong light sources. The OAM (orbital angular momentum) provides a new method to selectively excite dipole-forbidden states through linear optical absorption, while deriving different selection rules. Scientists can explore such selectivity, relative to OAM transfer from light to a material, although such transitions are very small to record. In this work, Arikawa et al. investigated electrons in solids with extended wave functions as an ideal platform to study vortex light-matter interactions.
Recent studies in electromagnetic field analysis had predicted efficient OAM transfer from vortex beams to localized surface plasmons (LSPs) in a metallic disk. During simulations, multipolar modes with large angular momentum, i.e. quadrupole, hexapole, etc., can be selectively excited as a result of OAM transfer.
Experimental setup. (A) Schematic of the experimental setup. BS: beam splitter, QWP: quarter wave plate, PBS: polarizing beam splitter. (B) Magnified view of around the EO crystal (side view). (C) Electric field waveform of the incident Gaussian THz pulse. The inset shows its frequency spectrum. Credit: Science Advances, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aay1977

In this work, the team experimentally showed selective excitation using spoof LSP (a low-frequency analog of LSP) that can exist around the surface of a periodically textured metallic disk. They built the metamaterial structure to bring the resonance frequencies down to the terahertz (THZ) frequency range for non-destructive imaging. The experimental setup allowed the scientists to visualize the characteristic patterns surrounding the corrugated disk and identify spoof LSP modes excited in the sample. To visualize near-field patterns due to LSPs, Arikawa et al. engineered corrugated gold disks on the top surface of a terahertz (THZ) detector crystal, to sample the electric field that formed a few microns away from the metallic structure. They performed the experiments at room temperature and obtained five snapshots of the THZ electric field around the sample after excitation by a linearly polarized Gaussian beam.
Time-resolved near-field imaging and mode expansion analysis.
Simulations for the vortex beam (OAM +ħ) excitation exhibit the characteristic field distribution (six zero crossing points) unique to the clockwise quadrupole mode, similar to the experimental result. Credit: Science Advances, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aay1977
After the incident terahertz pulse passed through the sample, the team observed an electric field oscillation localized around the outer circle of the sample as a resonant excitation of spoof LSP, representing the expected electric field pattern. The work confirmed the excitation of the dipole mode by the Gaussian beam and that multiple spoof LSPs could be excited by vortex beams. To illustrate this point, Arikawa et al. performed additional analyses by focusing on the electric field along the outer circle of the sample to represent the frequency spectrum of each LSP mode. The results showed the efficient and selective excitation of multipolar modes based on the OAM of light, allowing the scientists to identify all spoof LSP modes excited in the sample.
Selective excitation of multipole spoof LSPs. Selected snapshots of the near-field evolution around the sample excited by (A) Gaussian beam, (C) vortex beam (OAM +ħ), and (E) vortex beam (OAM −2ħ). The double circle represents the position of the sample (inner and outer radius). The time origin (0 ps) is the time when the first positive peak of the incident pulse comes. The color scales are optimized at each frame for the sake of clarity. (B, D, and F) The electric field taken along the outer circle of the sample as a function of the azimuthal angle φ (red curves). The error bars are almost the same as the thickness of the traces. The dashed cosine curves are expected electric field patterns when the modes depicted on the right are excited. The solid arrows schematically represent the quasi-static electric field around each mode. The cosine functions are obtained by projecting the quasi-static field onto the polarization axis (e0, dashed up arrow) detected in the experiment. er and eφ are cylindrical unit vectors introduced to calculate quasi-static fields. a.u., arbitrary units. Credit: Science Advances, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aay1977

The analysis additionally revealed the resonance frequency of each mode, allowing them to draw the dispersion relation i.e. the relation between the optical frequency and the propagation constants of surface plasmon polariton modes. The dispersion relation of the spoof LSPs depended on the geometrical parameters of the metallic structures, providing the scientists a powerful tool to control the resonance frequencies. The team performed additional experiments and analyses on samples with diverse dimensions of corrugation to demonstrate resonance frequency control. The results allowed them to deduce the selection rules in the system to excite multiple spoof LSPs. The observations strongly supported that the selection rules were governed by the conservation of total angular momentum (TAM), which the team then numerically confirmed for spoof LSPs using similar electromagnetic field analyses.
Mode decomposition of near-field distributions. Frequency spectra of the dipole [E(±2, f)], quadrupole [E(±3, f)], and hexapole [E(±4, f)] modes excited in the sample illuminated by (A) Gaussian beam, (B) vortex beam (+ħ), and (C) vortex beam (−2ħ). (D) Dispersion relation of the spoof LSP. The red dots represent the resonance frequencies determined in (A) to (C). The blue curve is a theoretical fitting. Credit: Science Advances, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aay1977
In this way, T. Arikawa and colleagues observed traveling surface waves with low electron scattering to enable coherent collective motion of electrons across the entire sample. The frequency tunability of the corrugated metallic disk geometry allowed it to be a very versatile OAM receiver with wide ranging frequencies as long as the scattering in the experimental setup was sufficiently low. The team expect the OAM to transfer across to other elementary excitations in solids including Rydberg excitonsskyrmions and phonons, although they will need focusing techniques beyond the diffraction limit in such instances. The work on efficient OAM exchange between light and elementary excitations in solid-state systems will be foundational to generate novel solid-state devices for OAM applications.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Abstract-Total Internal Reflection Geometry: Exploiting Total Internal Reflection Geometry for Terahertz Devices and Enhanced Sample Characterization

Qiushuo Sun, Xuequan Chen, Xudong Liu, Rayko I. Stantchev, Emma Pickwell‐MacPherson

To promote potential applications of terahertz (THz) technology, more advanced functional THz devices with high performance are needed, including modulators, polarizers, lenses, wave retarders, and antireflection coatings. This work summarizes recent progress in THz components built on functional materials including graphene, vanadium dioxide, and metamaterials. The key message is that, while the choice of materials used in such devices is important, the geometry in which they are employed also has a significant effect on the performance achieved. In particular, devices operating in total internal reflection geometry are reviewed, and it is explained how this geometry is able to be exploited to achieve a variety of THz devices with broadband operation.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Abstract-THz Biochemical Sensors: Terahertz Biochemical Molecule‐Specific Sensors

Minah Seo, Hyeong‐Ryeol Park,

The highly sensitive and selective detection of ultrasmall quantities of bio‐chemical substances by using sensing chips, including metallic plasmonic structures and terahertz metamaterials, is conceptually shown. Such terahertz metamaterials have been designed to target the specific absorption peaks of the certain bio‐chemical samples, where molecular‐specific vibration modes exist, and increase the detection sensitivity.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Abstract-Control of terahertz waves for TE and TM modes using graphene-based metamaterials

Iman Chaharmahali,  Mohamadreza Soltani, Mohammadreza Hoseini,  Mohammad Biabanifard

In the modern era of science and technology, devices with more speed and efficiency are in high demand. Among the reliable options, the terahertz (THz) spectra are promising. A tunable ultrabroadband THz metamaterial absorber and a THz filter using disk graphene patterns are proposed. Simulations exploiting an analytical circuit model based on a developed transmission line method and the finite element method are performed. The analytical circuit model of two graphene patterns with the transmission line theory is utilized to obtain the input impedance of the structures to describe the graphene metamaterial structures as circuit elements. Then, exploiting a genetic algorithm, the input impedance of the structures is designed to be matched to the free space in the desired terahertz spectra using circuit principles. A parametric study of the proposed structures has been carried out to show the capability of tuning the proposed structures. The results clearly reveal the effectiveness of the suggested structures for distinct practical applications, such as filters and sensors at THz spectra. Finally, the proposed configurations can be manufactured using currently developed techniques in addition to chemical vapor deposition.
© 2020 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 0091-3286/2020/$28.00 © 2020 SPIE

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Abstract-The study of geometries effect of hexagonal metamaterial absorber in the terahertz regime

Natsima SakdaRatchapak Chitaree

Metamaterials (MMs) are the artificially engineered materials that can exhibit particular electromagnetic properties such as negative refractive index, left-handed behavior, extraordinary transmission, etc. These fascinating properties of MMs are of great and increasing interest to be used in various applications in the terahertz regime (0.1-10 THz). In this study, the electromagnetic property of metamaterial that we are interested is an extraordinary transmission for creating a “Metamaterial Absorber (MMA)”. Over the past decade, there has been a number of designed patterns of metamaterial absorbers having high absorptivity and also multi-absorption characteristics such as split-ring resonator, square, U-shape, T-shape and Hexagon. Most of the Hexagons are designed to have the absorption characteristics in GHz frequency. We intend to investigate the effects of the parameters regarding the absorption in the terahertz regime, especially in 0.3-5.0 THz for various applications such as security and medicine. The proposed absorber structure in this study consists of 3 layers which are a periodically arranged metallic hexagonal pattern layer, a dielectric layer, and a continuous metallic layer. Length, width, number of gaps, gap size, the position of a gap of the hexagon in the first layer are the studied parameters. The proposed hexagon metamaterial absorber of the first design having 5 gaps with gap size 5 μm each located at the corner of the hexagon provide 4 absorption bands with high absorptivity. For the other design having 6 gaps with gap size of 5 μm each located at hexagon side show not only 3 narrow bands of perfect absorption but also a broadband absorbance for the terahertz regime around 3 THz.
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Abstract-The investigation of the electromagnetic coupling effect in terahertz toroidal metasurfaces and metamaterials

Shuang Wang, Xiaoli Zhao, Song Wang, Quan Li, Jianyu Zhu,  Lei Han

Fig. 1. Schematic images of the proposed (a) TD MSs and (b) TD MMs ;(c) Microscope…Fig. 3. Schematic of TD induced surface current by LC resonance of (a) TD MSs and (c)TD…

We proposed and fabricated toroidal dipole (TD) metasurfaces(MSs) with a metamolecule of two coplanar U-shaped split ring resonators(USRRs) fabricated on polyimide substrate, and TD metamaterials (MMs) were the stacks of two TD MSs layers, whose frequencies, electromagnetic (EM) distributions and Q factor can be efficiently affected by the EM coupling effect in TD MSs/MMs. It was found that the resonances frequencies of TD MMs were shifted to lower frequencies due to the increase of inductance by the stacks of metallic layer. Meanwhile, the high-frequency TD resonance in TD MMs would be tailored by the periodicity. Considering the relation between TD resonances and the scattering power of TD (Ty), the Q factor depended highly on the value of Ty in the same metamolecule structure. The optimization in excitation of TD provide opportunity to further increase the Q-factor of metamaterial and pave a way for potential applications in terahertz sensor and other functional devices.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Abstract-Graphene assisted terahertz metamaterials for sensitive bio-sensing

Hun Lee, Jong-Ho Choe, Chulki Kim,  Sukang Bae, Jin-Soo Kim, Q-Han Park, Minah Seo,

Fig. 1. Ultra-sensitive sensing of DNA using a graphene-combined THz nano-slot…Fig. 2. Comparison of four sensing platforms

We report that single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acids (ssDNAs) at very low concentrations can be detected using graphene-combined nano-slot-based terahertz (THz) resonance. A combination of the resonant structure and tuned electro-optical properties of graphene can provide unprecedentedly sensitive biomolecule sensing even using very low energy THz photons, overcoming the huge scale difference of 10,000:1 between the wavelength and the size of the ssDNAs. Ultrahigh sensitivity is obtained by the significant increase in the absorption cross-section of the graphene sheet with the targeted biomolecules, induced by strong THz field enhancement at the resonance frequency inside the slots. Clearly distinguishable THz optical signals were observed between different species of ssDNAs even at the nano-mole level and analyzed quantitatively in terms of the electro-optical properties of the suspended graphene layer modified by the attached ssDNAs without any molecular-specific labeling for the THz regime. Quantitative analysis of ssDNA molecule adsorption was carried based on the change in conductivity using a theoretical THz transmission model.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Abstract-Development of a tunable terahertz absorber based on temperature control

Metamaterial structure‐based terahertz absorbers all are passive, once the preparation is complete, their absorption properties are also determined unable to adapt to the increasingly complex electromagnetic environment. In this paper, a kind of phase change film‐based tunable terahertz metamaterial absorber is proposed. And on the basis of current three‐layer type terahertz absorber on present metamaterial structure, a layer of vanadium dioxide (VO2) phase change film is added to change the conductivity of VO2 by controlling ambient temperature, so as to trigger the insulator metal transition characteristics of VO2 film, which can control the absorption rate of terahertz metamaterial absorber. Theoretically, design scheme in this paper has 80% modulation depth to the amplitude of absorption. That is, tunable terahertz electromagnetic absorber has potential application value in electromagnetic stealth in terahertz band, radiation detectors, and broadband communication fields.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Machine Learning Finds New Metamaterial Designs for Energy Harvesting

Design would enable thermophotovoltaic devices that convert waste heat to electricity

By Ken Kingery

Electrical engineers at Duke University have harnessed the power of machine learning to design dielectric (non-metal) metamaterials that absorb and emit specific frequencies of terahertz radiation. The design technique changed what could have been more than 2000 years of calculation into 23 hours, clearing the way for the design of new, sustainable types of thermal energy harvesters and lighting.
The study was published online on September 16 in the journal Optics Express.
Metamaterials are synthetic materials composed of many individual engineered features, which together produce properties not found in nature through their structure rather than their chemistry. In this case, the terahertz metamaterial is built up from a two-by-two grid of silicon cylinders resembling a short, square Lego.
Adjusting the height, radius and spacing of each of the four cylinders changes the frequencies of light the metamaterial interacts with.
Calculating these interactions for an identical set of cylinders is a straightforward process that can be done by commercial software. But working out the inverse problem of which geometries will produce a desired set of properties is a much more difficult proposition.
Because each cylinder creates an electromagnetic field that extends beyond its physical boundaries, they interact with one another in an unpredictable, nonlinear way.
“If you try to build a desired response by combining the properties of each individual cylinder, you’re going to get a forest of peaks that is not simply a sum of their parts,” said Willie Padilla, professor of electrical and computer engineering at Duke. “It’s a huge geometrical parameter space and you’re completely blind -- there’s no indication of which way to go.”
When the frequency responses of dielectric metamaterial setups consisting of four small cylinders (blue) and four large cylinders (orange) are combined into a setup consisting of three small cylinders and one large cylinder (red), the resulting response looks nothing like a straightforward combination of the original two.
One way to find the correct combination would be to simulate every possible geometry and choose the best result. But even for a simple dielectric metamaterial where each of the four cylinders can have only 13 different radii and heights, there are 815.7 million possible geometries. Even on the best computers available to the researchers, it would take more than 2,000 years to simulate them all.

To speed up the process, Padilla and his graduate student Christian Nadell turned to machine learning expert Jordan Malof, assistant research professor of electrical and computer engineering at Duke, and Ph.D. student Bohao Huang.
Malof and Huang created a type of machine learning model called a neural network that can effectively perform simulations orders of magnitude faster than the original simulation software. The network takes 24 inputs -- the height, radius and radius-to-height ratio of each cylinder -- assigns random weights and biases throughout its calculations, and spits out a prediction of what the metamaterial’s frequency response spectrum will look like.
First, however, the neural network must be “trained” to make accurate predictions. 
“The initial predictions won’t look anything like the actual correct answer,” said Malof. “But like a human, the network can gradually learn to make correct predictions by simply observing the commercial simulator. The network adjusts its weights and biases each time it makes a mistake and does this repeatedly until it produces the correct answer every time.” 
To maximize the accuracy of the machine learning algorithm, the researchers trained it with 18,000 individual simulations of the metamaterial’s geometry. While this may sound like a large number, it actually represents just 0.0022 percent of all the possible configurations.  After training, the neural network can produce highly accurate predictions in just a fraction of a second.
Even with this success in hand, however, it still only solved the forward problem of producing the frequency response of a given geometry, which they could already do. To solve the inverse problem of matching a geometry to a given frequency response, the researchers returned to brute strength.
Because the machine learning algorithm is nearly a million times faster than the modeling software used to train it, the researchers simply let it solve every single one of the 815.7 million possible permutations. The machine learning algorithm did it in only 23 hours rather than thousands of years.
After that, a search algorithm could match any given desired frequency response to the library of possibilities created by the neural network.
“We’re not necessarily experts on that, but Google does it every day,” said Padilla. “A simple search tree algorithm can go through 40 million graphs per second.”
The researchers then tested their new system to make sure it worked. Nadell hand drew several frequency response graphs and asked the algorithm to pick the metamaterial setup that would best produce each one. He then ran the answers produced through the commercial simulation software to see if they matched up well.
They did.
Graphs with circles at desired property points are matched with lines created by the new machine learning method and the traditional software
The researchers chose arbitrary frequency responses for their machine learning system to find metamaterials to create (circles). The resulting solutions (blue) fit well with both the desired frequency responses and those simulated by commercial software (grey).
With the ability to design dielectric metamaterials in this way, Padilla and Nadell are working to engineer a new type of thermophotovoltaic device, which creates electricity from heat sources. Such devices work much like solar panels, except they absorb specific frequencies of infrared light instead of visible light.

Current technologies radiate infrared light in a much wider frequency range than can be absorbed by the infrared solar cell, which wastes energy. A carefully engineered metamaterial tuned to that specific frequency, however, can emit infrared light in a much narrower band.
“Metal-based metamaterials are much easier to tune to these frequencies, but when metal heats up to the temperatures required in these types of devices, they tend to melt,” said Padilla. “You need a dielectric metamaterial that can withstand the heat. And now that we have the machine learning piece, it looks like this is indeed achievable.”
This research was supported by the Department of Energy (DESC0014372).
CITATION: “Deep Learning for Accelerated All-Dielectric Metasurface Design,” Christian C. Nadell, Bohao Huang, Jordan M. Malof, and Willie J. Padilla. Optics Express, Vol. 27, Issue 20, pp. 27523-27535 (2019). DOI: 10.1364/OE.27.027523

Friday, August 2, 2019

Abstract-The active modulation of flexible terahertz tube

Jing Liu, Hongyu Ji, Jingling Shen, Cunlin Zhang, Yuejin Zhao,

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of THz time-domain spectroscopy system

We demonstrated a flexible polyimide terahertz tube that can modulate Terahertz (THz) wave efficiently based on indium oxide (In2O3) nanoparticle. The transmission of the THz pulse can be modulated using optical control over 0.2 to 2.6 THz, and the modulation depth reached up to 14%. By combining nano-indium oxide layer with metal periodic metamaterial structure, the modulation was optimized to 35%. The results show that a photo-excited tunable terahertz modulator can be realized by irradiating the structure under different intensity of the laser beam.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Abstract-Actively tunable terahertz chain-link metamaterial with bidirectional polarization-dependent characteristic

Pengyu Liu, Zihao Liang, Zhicheng Lin, Zefeng Xu, Ruijia Xu, Dongyuan Yao,  Yu-Sheng Lin

A tunable terahertz (THz) chain-link metamaterial (CLM) is presented, which is composed of a tailored Au layer fabricated on Si substrate. CLM exhibits bidirectional polarization-dependent characteristic by applying a direct-current (dc) bias voltage on device. This CLM device can be heated up the surrounding temperature to tune the corresponding resonance. The tuning range is 0.027 THz from 0.318 THz to 0.291 THz on the bias of 0.60 V to 1.32 V. By reconfiguring the gap between CLM, there are single-resonance with red-shift at TE mode, and multi-resonance with blue-shift and red-shift at TM mode, respectively. These characterizations of CLM are polarization-dependence and bidirectional tunability. These results show the electromagnetic responses of proposed CLM device is suitable for the uses for resonator, filter, switch, and sensor in the THz frequency range.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Abstract-Terahertz optical characteristics of two types of metamaterials for molecule sensing

Yeeun Roh, Sang-Hun Lee, Boyoung Kang, Jeong Weon Wu, Byeong-Kwon Ju, and Minah Seo

Fig. 1 (a) Microscope picture of DSRR metamaterial. (b) THz transmittances of DSRR are shown for different polarization angles of incident THz field. Resonances are shown at 1.2THz for polarization angle 67.5° and 1.4THz for polarization angle 0°. (c) A schematic of THz transmission through DSRR covered with monosaccharide sample droplet.

We investigate spectral responses of two different terahertz (THz) metamaterials of double split ring resonator (DSRR) and the nano slot resonator (NSR) for molecule sensing in low concentration. Two different resonant frequencies of DSRR can be controlled by polarization angle of incident THz beam. For comparison of THz optical characteristics, two NSRs were made as showing the same resonant frequencies as DSRR’s multimode. The monosaccharide molecules of glucose and galactose were detected by these two types of metamaterials matching the resonant frequencies in various concentration. NSR shows higher sensitivity in very low concentration range rather than DSRR, although the behavior was easily saturated in terms of concentration. In contrast, DSRR can cover more broad concentration range with clear linearity especially under high quality factor mode in polarization of 67.5 degree due to the Fano resonance. THz field enhancement distributions were calculated to investigate sensing performance of both sensing chips in qualitative and quantitative manner.
© 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement