Thursday, September 13, 2018

Abstract-Electrical generation of terahertz blackbody radiation from graphene

H. M. Dong, W. Xu, and F. M. Peeters

Recent experimental work on the application of graphene for novel illumination motivated us to present a theoretical study of the blackbody radiation emission from a freely suspended graphene driven by a dc electric field. Strong terahertz (THz) emission, with intensity up to mW/cm2, can be generated with increasing electric field strength due to the heating of electrons in graphene. We show that the intensity of the THz emission generated electrically from graphene depends rather sensitively on the lattice temperature in relatively weak electric fields, whereas it is less sensitive to the lattice temperature in relative strong electric fields. Our study highlights the practical application of graphene as intense THz source where the radiation is generated electrically.
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