Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Abstract-Terahertz transmission of square-particle and rod structured TbFeO3 metamaterials

Xinxi Zeng, Guanqiao Zhang, Xiaoqing Xi,Bo Li, Ji Zhoub,

Fig. 3. THz transmission of TbFeO3 metamaterials with variation of orientation angle φ…Fig. 2. The relative position between THz field and orientation changed in the process…

We investigated terahertz (THz) transmission of square-particle and rod structured TbFeO3 metamaterials. Mie-type resonances were excited in TbFeO3-based metamaterials. And their dependence on shape and orientation angle was studied. Dielectric TbFeO3 ceramic wafers, which were prepared by 3-D direct writing technology and traditional solid-state sintering method, were processed into square-particle and rod structured metamaterials using laser beam machining. With variation of orientation angle, square-particle structured metamaterial showed angle-independence, while rod structured metamaterial showed complicated behaviors: angle-dependence at lower frequencies and angle-independence at higher frequencies. Circular magnetic and electric field distributions surrounding the incident electromagnetic fields endowed resonances insensitivity to orientation angle. And angle-dependence of rod-shaped metamaterial at lower frequencies were caused by the central symmetry breaking.

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