Sunday, August 23, 2020

Abstract-Phase Shift Migration with SIMO Superposition for MIMO-Sidelooking Imaging at Terahertz Band

Guan Yang,Chao Li, Hang Gao, Guangyou Fang

In this paper, the enhanced phase shift migration (PSM) algorithm for multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) side-looking (SL) scheme was proposed for the 2-dimension (2D) fast image reconstruction in the terahertz (THz) band. By decomposing the MIMO imaging problem into a superposition of several single-input-multiple-output (SIMO) sub-arrays, the proposed algorithm can be applied to systems with randomly distributed transmitting array. By deriving and applying the modified phase shift factor and necessary phase compensation, zero-padding in the transmitting array and data reorganization in the spatial-frequency domain of the conventional wavenumber domain MIMO algorithm can be totally avoided, which will hopefully further reduce the amount of calculation. A comprehensive MIMO-SL-EPSM algorithm was established in the wavenumber domain. Proof-of-principle experiments in the 0.1-THz band were performed based on a MIMO-SL prototype system. The reconstructed images for different targets with high efficiency and quality demonstrate the theoretical results and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

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