Sunday, August 23, 2020

Abstract-Comparison of Terahertz, Microwave, and Laser Power Beaming Under Clear and Adverse Weather Conditions

Lou Rizzo, John F. Federici, Samuel Gatley, Ian Gatley, James L. Zunino,  Kate J. Duncan

Wireless transmission of power from point to point has been developed in two predominate electromagnetic frequency ranges: near-infrared and microwave. In this paper, the prospect of wireless power beaming in the terahertz frequency range is explored with emphasis on the role of adverse weather. Link distance, power transmission, and safety performance of near-infrared, microwave, and terahertz power beaming are compared under clear and adverse weather conditions. While infrared power beaming provides the longest link distances of the three under clear weather conditions, terahertz power beaming can provide better performance under adverse weather conditions.

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