Monday, August 21, 2017

Abstract-Electromagnetic behavior of spatial terahertz wave modulators based on reconfigurable micromirror gratings in Littrow configuration

Jan Kappa, Klemens M. Schmitt, and Marco Rahm

Efficient, high speed spatial modulators with predictable performance are a key element in any coded aperture terahertz imaging system. For spectroscopy, the modulators must also provide a broad modulation frequency range. In this study, we numerically analyze the electromagnetic behavior of a dynamically reconfigurable spatial terahertz wave modulator based on a micromirror grating in Littrow configuration. We show that such a modulator can modulate terahertz radiation over a wide frequency range from 1.7 THz to beyond 3 THz at a modulation depth of more than 0.6. As a specific example, we numerically simulated coded aperture imaging of an object with binary transmissive properties and successfully reconstructed the image.

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