Friday, March 12, 2021

Abstract-Uncooled Antenna-Coupled Microbolometer for Detection of Terahertz Radiation


Ivan Ryger, Peter Lobotka, Andreas Steiger, Stefan Chromik, Tibor Lalinsky, Zbyněk Raida, Kamil Pítra, Johann Zehetner, Marianna Spankova, Stefan Gazi, Michaela Sojkova, Gabriel Vanko

In this contribution, we describe the design, technology, and physical parameters of antenna-coupled microbolometer, used for broadband detection of terahertz electromagnetic spectrum. This microbolometer features an application of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 layer grown on multilayered material stack ensuring lattice matching of the sensing LSMO layer to silicon. By virtue of bulk micromachining of silicon-on-insulator substrates, the sensing structure is built on thin suspended membrane to provide weak thermal link, increasing thermal response, thus sensitivity. Additionally, it helps suppressing excitation of in-plane guided surface modes that will otherwise deteriorate the antenna radiation diagram and affect the spectral responsivity of the sensor. Finally, the operation of sensor is demonstrated using a molecular laser setup at 762 GHz (and also 1.4 THz) emission line. The parameters of the said microbolometers are analyzed in terms of response and time constant. Optimal working temperature of the detectors is about 65 °C.

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