Friday, December 11, 2020

Abstract-Terahertz response of plasmonic nanoparticles: Plasmonic Zeeman Effect


A. Márquez and R. Esquivel-Sirvent

Nanoparticle of radius R. A constant magnetic field is applied along the z axis. Light impinges on the particle along the y direction as linearly polarized light within the xz plane forming an angle of ϕ with the x axis. The sphere is embedded in a medium of dielectric constant ϵm. The figure is not to scale, we will work only with wavelengths much larger than the diameter of the particle.

Magnetoplasmons are the coupling of an external magnetic field and a plasmon or a localized plasmon, in the case of nanoparticles. We present a theoretical study, in the quasi-static limit, of the plasmonic response of nanoparticles when a constant magnetic field is applied. The plasmonic modes split into two satellite peaks with a frequency shift proportional to the magnetic field. The constant of proportionality is the effective Bohr magneton. This splitting of the fundamental plasmonic mode is akin to the splitting of energy levels in the Zeeman effect. The results are valid for any material that has a plasmonic response. For higher magnetic fields, the frequency shift of the splitting becomes non-linear with the magnetic field as what happens with the non-linear Zeeman effect.

© 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

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