Monday, December 7, 2020

Abstract-Terahertz Frequency Combs Exploiting an On-Chip, Solution-Processed, Graphene-Quantum Cascade Laser Coupled-Cavity


Francesco P. Mezzapesa,  Katia Garrasi, Johannes Schmidt, Luca Salemi, Valentino Pistore, Lianhe Li, A. Giles Davies, Edmund H. Linfield, Michael Riesch, Christian Jirauschek, Tian Carey, Felice Torrisi, Andrea C. Ferrari,  Miriam S. Vitiello

The ability to engineer quantum-cascade-lasers (QCLs) with ultrabroad gain spectra, and with a full compensation of the group velocity dispersion, at terahertz (THz) frequencies, is key for devising monolithic and miniaturized optical frequency-comb-synthesizers (FCSs) in the far-infrared. In THz QCLs four-wave mixing, driven by intrinsic third-order susceptibility of the intersubband gain medium, self-locks the optical modes in phase, allowing stable comb operation, albeit over a restricted dynamic range (∼20% of the laser operational range). Here, we engineer miniaturized THz FCSs, comprising a heterogeneous THz QCL, integrated with a tightly coupled, on-chip, solution-processed, graphene saturable-absorber reflector that preserves phase-coherence between lasing modes, even when four-wave mixing no longer provides dispersion compensation. This enables a high-power (8 mW) FCS with over 90 optical modes, through 55% of the laser operational range. We also achieve stable injection-locking, paving the way to a number of key applications, including high-precision tunable broadband-spectroscopy and quantum-metrology.

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