Sunday, December 20, 2020

Abstract-Enhanced Terahertz Radiation by Efficient Spin-to-Charge Conversion in Rashba-Mediated Dirac Surface States


Mingyu Tong, Yuze Hu, Zhenyu Wang, Tong Zhou, Xiangnan Xie, Xiang’ai Cheng, Tian Jiang

The enhancement of terahertz (THz) radiation is of extreme significance for the realization of the THz probe and imaging. However, present THz technologies are far from being enough to realize high-performance and room-temperature THz sources. Fortunately, topological insulators (TIs), with spin-momentum-locked Dirac surface states, are expected to exhibit a high terahertz emission efficiency. In this work, the novel concept of a Rashba-state-enhanced spintronic THz emitter is demonstrated on the basis of ferromagnet/heavy metal/topological insulator (FM/HM/TI) heterostructure. We find that the THz emission intensity changes as a function of HM interlayer thickness, and a 1.98 times higher intensity compared to that of FM/TI can be achieved when a meticulously designed thickness of the HM layer is inserted. The improvement of terahertz radiation is ascribed to the additive effect of Rashba splitting and topological surface states at the HM/TI interface. These results offer new possibilities for realizing spintronic THz emitters in TI-based magnetic heterostructures.

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