Friday, November 27, 2020

Abstract-Non-plasmonic improvement in photoconductive THz emitters using nano- and micro-structured electrodes


Abhishek Singh, Malte Welsch, Stephan Winnerl, Manfred Helm, Harald Schneider, 

Simulation of electric field amplitude ((Ex2+Ey2+Ez2)1/2 in V/m) distribution on a slice passing through the center of the emitter in yz-plane in the photoconductor when 10 V bias is applied to the electrodes. Field lines are drawn to show the direction of the electric field. A white dashed line is drawn at a depth (∼ 1 µm) of penetration depth of 800 nm in GaAs.

We investigate here terahertz enhancement effects arising from micrometer and nanometer structured electrode features of photoconductive terahertz emitters. Nanostructured electrode based emitters utilizing the palsmonic effect are currently one of the hottest topics in the research field. We demonstrate here that even in the absence of any plasmonic resonance with the pump pulse, such structures can improve the antenna effect by enhancing the local d.c. electric field near the structure edges. Utilizing this effect in Hilbert-fractal and grating-like designs, enhancement of the THz field of up to a factor of ∼ 2 is observed. We conclude that the cause of this THz emission enhancement in our emitters is different from the earlier reported plasmonic-electrode effect in a similar grating-like structure. In our structure, the proximity of photoexcited carriers to the electrodes and local bias field enhancement close to the metallization cause the enhanced efficiency. Due to the nature of this effect, the THz emission efficiency is almost independent of the pump laser polarization. Compared to the plasmonic effect, these effects work under relaxed device fabrication and operating conditions.

Published by The Optical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.

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