Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Abstract-Graphene-enabled active metamaterial for dynamical manipulation of terahertz reflection/transmission/absorption

Yin Zhang. Yijun Feng, Junming Zhao,

                                       Fig. 1. Structure design and function representation; (a) Schematic of the proposed…

Arbitrarily controlling the reflection/transmission/absorption state of electromagnetic waves, especially their dynamical manipulation, is on high demand due to the growing development of practical optical devices and application systems. In this work, we present a scheme to dynamically manipulating terahertz wave reflection/transmission/absorption using the active metamaterial composed of a layer of metallic structural and two graphene sandwich structures as well as polymer spacers. By adjusting the Fermi level of graphene, this tunable metamaterial can achieve electronically reconfigurable terahertz reflection, transmission and absorption in a highly efficient manner. Furthermore, it also enables continuous dynamical modulation between any two among the three states. The presented metamaterial is a promising candidate for exploring active terahertz devices for dynamically controlling the state of light-matter interactions and have potential applications in optoelectronic devices, wireless communication and frequency selective surface.

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