Sunday, April 5, 2020

Abstract-Compensating Atmospheric Channel Dispersion for Terahertz Wireless Communication

Karl Strecker, Sabit Ekin, John F. O’Hara

We report and demonstrate for the first time a method to compensate atmospheric group velocity dispersion of terahertz pulses. In ultra-wideband or impulse radio terahertz wireless communication, the atmosphere reshapes terahertz pulses via group velocity dispersion, a result of the frequency-dependent refractivity of air. Without correction, this can significantly degrade the achievable data transmission rate. We present a method for compensating the atmospheric dispersion of terahertz pulses using a cohort of stratified media reflectors. Using this method, we compensated group velocity dispersion in the 0.2-0.3 THz channel under common atmospheric conditions. Based on analytic and numerical simulations, the method can exhibit an in-band power efficiency of greater than 98% and dispersion compensation up to 99% of ideal. Simulations were validated by experimental measurements.

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