Saturday, November 2, 2019

Abstract-Flexible materials for terahertz optics: advantages of graphite-based structures

Rusnė Ivaškevičiūtė-Povilauskienė, Linas Minkevičius, Domas Jokubauskis, Andrzej Urbanowicz, Simonas Indrišiūnas, and Gintaras Valušis

 THz-TDS transmittance spectra and insets depict THz-CW two-dimensional THz beam profiles focused with a) metal TZP; b) graphite foil TZP; c) graphite on paper TZP; d) pure paper TZP. The beam cross sections at the maximum intensity are presented in a linear scale as a solid black line for each case. Maximum signal amplitude of the TZPs is normalized to the maximum amplitude of the unfocused beam.

Flexible materials for applications in terahertz (THz) range imaging systems are investigated in this study. THz time-domain spectroscopy and THz imaging at 0.6 THz frequency are used to analyze optical properties of zone plates (TZP) with integrated cross-shaped filters, which are fabricated using direct laser writing on thin graphite, HB pencil-shaded graphite on paper, as well as reference metal-based and pure paper zone plates. Spectral features and focusing power comparable to the best metal-based TZP is achieved with graphite-based TZP. The pure paper and paper with pencil-shaded graphite TZPs showed increase in focusing power by a factor of ∼1.5, supporting numerical 3D finite-difference time-domain simulations. The findings show that graphite-based TZPs can serve as a flexible, compact, and inexpensive optics elements for emerging THz imaging systems.
© 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

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