Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Abstract-THz-TDS time-trace analysis for the extraction of material and metamaterial parameters

Romain Peretti ; Sergey Mitryukovskiy, Kevin Froberger, Aniss Mebarki, Sophie Eliet, Mathias Vanwolleghem, Jean-Francois Lampin,


We report on a method to fit time-trace data from a terahertz time-domain-spectroscopy system enabling the extraction of physical parameters from a material or metamaterial. To accomplish this we developed a Python-based, open-source software, called Fit@TDS that functions on a personal computer. This software includes commonly used methods where the refractive index is extracted from frequency-domain data. This method has limitations when the signal is too noisy or when an absorption peak saturates the spectrum. Thus, the software also includes a new method where the refractive indices are directly fitted from the time-trace. The idea is to model a material or a metamaterial through parametric physical models (Drude Lorentz model and time-domain coupled mode theory) and implement this in the propagation model to simulate the time-trace. Then an optimization algorithm is used to retrieve the parameters of the model corresponding to the studied material/metamaterial. In this paper, we explain the method and test it on fictitious samples to probe its feasibility and reliability. Finally, we used Fit@TDS on real samples of high resistivity silicon, lactose and gold metasurface on quartz to show the capacity of the method.

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