Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Abstract-Terahertz emission from laser-driven gas plasmas: a plasmonic point of view

I. Thiele, B. Zhou, A. Nguyen, E. Smetanina, R. Nuter, K. J. Kaltenecker, P. González de Alaiza Martínez, J. Déchard, L. Bergé, P. U. Jepsen, and S. Skupin

Fig. 1. Illustrated configurations of THz emission from an ellipsoidal plasma induced by a 2C Gaussian laser pulse (FH in red, SH in purple) with strongly elliptical beam shape propagating along z. The laser electric field is (a) y-polarized (along the long axis of the elliptical beam) and (b) x-polarized (along the short axis of the elliptical beam). The plasma is sketched as a blue tri-axial ellipsoid, and its projections are shown in the respective planes. Experimentally measured forward-emitted THz pulses are presented as white lines, demonstrating a significantly shorter pulse duration for an x-polarized pulse, which can be attributed to triggering a plasmonic resonance (see Section 3 for details).

We disclose an unanticipated link between plasmonics and nonlinear frequency down-conversion in laser-induced gas-plasmas. For two-color femtosecond pump pulses, a plasmonic resonance is shown to broaden the terahertz emission spectra significantly. We identify the resonance as a leaky mode, which contributes to the emission spectra whenever electrons are excited along a direction where the plasma size is smaller than the plasma wavelength. As a direct consequence, such resonances can be controlled by changing the polarization properties of elliptically shaped driving laser pulses. Both experimental results and 3D Maxwell consistent simulations confirm that a significant terahertz pulse shortening and spectral broadening can be achieved by exploiting the transverse driving laser beam shape as an additional degree of freedom.
© 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

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