The OVA 5000 – Speeding Development of Silicon Photonics Research

Device Modeling and Simulation
Simulation and modeling tools are an integral part of the design process for electronic integrated circuits and will also be essential in the design and development of photonic integrated circuits on a silicon platform. By effectively modeling the behavior of these devices, engineers can ensure that costly prototypes perform as expected. The unique ability of the OVA 5000 to mathematically model a device is perfectly complementary for these simulation tools. The model generated by the OVA5000 can be used as input to modeling and simulation tool kits. OptSim, a modeling program from Rsoft, has an interface to use the OVA 5000’s Jones matrix as input for its simulation.
In addition, Luna’s Polarization Analysis Software (PAS) can analyze the device Jones matrix to find the principle polarization response states of the device, based on either device loss or group delay. Using the Jones Matrix, PAS can also simulate the device response toANY pure polarization state.
Silicon Photonics and the AIM initiative
Effective simulation and modeling will be a critical to advance Silicon Photonics into mass production. In fact, developing a set of integrated design tools for photonic and combined electronic-photonic components is one of the four main objectives of the AIM initiative. AIM is the American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics and is a public/private consortium whose charter is to remove barriers for the adoption of integrated photonics into industry.
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