Y. Hou1,2, J. R. Liu1, M. Buchanan1, A. J. Spring Thorpe1, P. J. Poole1, H. C. Liu1,3,*,Ke Wu4 Sjoerd Roorda5 X. P. Zhang6
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1Institute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council, Ottawa K1A 0R6, Canada
2Also with Department of Electrical Engineering, Concordia University, Canada
3Now with Key Laboratory of Artificial Structures and Quantum Control, Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China.
4Department of Electrical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique, Montréal H3T 1J4, Canada
5Département de physique, Université de Montréal, Montréal H3C 3J7, Canada
6Department of Electrical Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal H3G 1M8, Canada
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Nano-Micro Letters 2012, 4(1), pp 10-13
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Publication Date (Web): February 20, 2012 (Article)
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*Corresponding author. E-mail: h.c.liu@sjtu.edu.cn |
We report on a study of terahertz (THz) generation using implanted InGaAs photomixers and multi-wavelength quantum dot lasers. We carry out InGaAs materials growth, optical characterization, device design and fabrication, and photomixing experiments. This approach is capable of generating a comb of electromagnetic radiation from microwave to terahertz. For shortening photomixer carrier lifetime, we employ proton implantation into an epitaxial layer of lattice matched InGaAs grown on InP. Under a 1.55 mm multi-mode InGaAs/InGaAsP quantum dot laser excitation, a frequency comb with a constant frequency spacing of 50 GHz generated on the photomixer is measured, which corresponds to the beats of the laser longitudinal modes. The measurement is performed with a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. This approach affords a convenient method to achieve a broadband multi-peak coherent THz source.
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