Thursday, July 5, 2012

Abstract-Metamaterials: Reversibly Stretchable and Tunable Terahertz Metamaterials with Wrinkled Layouts

Seungwoo Lee,  Seongnam Kim,  Teun-Teun Kim,  Yushin Kim,  Muhan Choi,  Seung Hoon Lee,  Ju-Young Kim,  Bumki Min 

When metamaterials are arranged in a stretchable platform, their practical applications (e.g., reconfigurable optoelectronic devices and biological sensors) can be greatly extended. B. Min and co-workers take inspiration from the wrinkled structures of various bio-organisms to develop a generic strategy for reversibly stretchable metamaterials. The structural integrities of the wrinkled THz metamaterials described, remain intact after repeated stretching/relaxing, and the wrinkled metamaterial makes a mechanically reversible transition between artificial homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadenings

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