Thursday, February 16, 2012

Terahertz Computed Tomography Lab at NASA Glen Research Lab

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NASA Glen Research Lab

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Terahertz (THz) Reflection, Thru-transmission, and Computed Tomography LabPurpose: To perform THz reflection, thru-transmission, and computed tomography imaging of materials/structures.

Terahertz (THz) Computed Tomagraphy  Advanced Photonix T-Ray 4000, in use   

Primary Capabilities:
  • THz tomography and thru-transmission imaging of materials/structures, including those of complex shape. Resolution on the order of 2 – 3 mm in tomography mode.
  • THz slice imaging of materials/structures to obtain qualitative and quantitative information on features of interest such as inclusions, voids, delaminations in dielectric materials.
  • Able to analyze thermal protection system materials, foams, molded plastics, PVC pipes, reinforced fiber composites (glass, Kevlar, xylon fibers), insulating ceramics, dry woods, glass, non-conductive woven fabrics, and non polar liquids such as fuels and oils.
  • Capable of volume rendering of obtained slices for 3d views.
  • Time domain and frequency domain measurements.
  • Reflection mode THz imaging for dielectric materials on top of substrate (layered materials such as coated metals or ceramics).
  • Provides excellent time/depth resolution capability in (future) reflection mode for coating measurements.

Special/Unique Capability:
  • 3D Imaging
  • Only Terahertz Tomography system in existance that can examine samples as large as 6" x 6"". (Maximum weight of sample is 5 kg or 11.02 lb.
  • Can analyze complex shapes.
  • Optimal spatial resolution 300 microns in scanning reflection mode.
  • Supports research in Optical Instrumentation and NDE Branch. Building 6, Room 15.
  • POC: Dr. Don Roth 216-433-6017.

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