Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dr. David Zimdars of Picometrix -2012 In-Space Non-Destructive Inspection Technology Workshop Presenter

zimdarsDr. David Zimdars
Picometrix, LLC
Manager of Terrahertz R&D
(734) 865-5639

Session 3A Presentation 3
"Hand Held Terahertz Imaging"
Demo: No | Poster: No
One-on-One Table: No

 Hand held time-domain terahertz (TD-THz) non-destructive evaluation (NDE) systems can be used to inspect space flight structures such as inflatable space habitats, thermal protection systems (TUFI-type tiles, SOFI TPS), and other components for voids, disbonds, and damage such as tearing and micro-meteorite impact. THz radiation in the range of 0.1 THz to 3 THz can penetrate these materials, and can be used to generate sub-surface images of these otherwise opaque or hidden structures. TD-THz reflection tomography is a single sided method, so it can inspect an inflatable habitat from the inside. Because the method is electromagnetic, it is inherently non-contact, and can penetrate vacuum (unlike ultrasound tomography), which is a significant advantage for the space based inspection of delicate structures such as polyurethane or silica foam TPS. The method of TD-THz reflection tomography employs near single-cycle sub-picosecond electromagnetic impulses that are generated and detected by the TD-THz instrument. These THz impulses are focused onto the object to be inspected. A small portion of the THz impulse reflects from the boundary of each material interface. These reflected pulses are separated in time, proportional to the thickness between the layers. The reflected TD-THz waveform is recorded, and the waveform is a representation of the sub-surface structure. In many ways, TD-THz reflection tomography is like an electromagnetic analog to ultrasound tomography (UT).
 Dr. David Zimdars is the Manager of Terahertz Research and Development at Picometrix. Since 2001, Dr. Zimdars has been the research and development manager for all terahertz scientific, industrial and homeland security product development contracts, terahertz analytical/imaging applications development, and terahertz manufacturing quality control applications development. He was a co-developer of the compact fiber optic coupled T-Ray 4000 modular time domain terahertz instrumentation system. Picometrix T-Ray 4000 and QA-1000 terahertz imaging systems have been deployed by NASA Michoud / Lockheed Martin to scan the space shuttle external fuel tank sprayed on foam insulation and orbiter thermal protection systems. The QA-1000 has been awarded the 2004 Photonics Spectra Circle of Excellence Award. He was a co-developer of the T-Ray 2000 THz spectroscopy and imaging system. Released in the in fall 1999, the T-Ray 2000 was the world’s first commercially available time domain THz instrument. The T-Ray2000, due to its unique capabilities and innovative fiber coupled design, was given an R&D 100 award for and a Photonics Spectra award. He currently has over 32 papers and publications and several patents and patents pending.

Stanford University, Ph.D. (Chemistry - Chemical Physics), 1996
Rocky Mountain College, B.S. (Chemistry), 1989
Pres-2001 Manager of Terahertz R&D, Picometrix, LLC, Ann Arbor, MI
2001-1999 Research Scientist, Picometrix Inc., Ann Arbor, MI
1999-1996 Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Chem., Columbia Univ., New York

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