Thursday, September 1, 2011

PHD Research Project: Ultra-sensitive nano-detectors for terahertz receiver applications

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PhD Supervisor:
Application Deadline:
22 October 2011

The thesis is part of an industrial research project entitled MASTHER (Miniaturized All-Solid state Terahertz HEterodyne Receiver), in collaboration with industrial and academic partners. MASTHER aims at implementing a new generation of heterodyne mixing receivers in order to achieve a compact and high performance THz sensing system for security applications.

The use of superconducting detectors offers several attractive solutions for the detection of THz waves (500 GHz - 10 THz) namely innovative bolometric detectors working in the “hot electron” regime, in which the regular bolometric (i.e. thermal) principle is transferred down to the microscopic scale to form a Hot Electron Bolometer - HEB. These HEB devices made from the high critical temperature superconductor oxide YBaCuO (Tc = 92 K) will provide an ultra wide bandwidth, high resolution, high sensitivity choice, with moderate cooling cost (80 K lightweight cryocooler).

The HEB devices typically consist of micro-bridges (0.4 × 0.4 µm2) made from ultra-thin YBaCuO films (10 - 40 nm). The HEB devices will be coupled to the incoming THz radiation (both signal and local oscillator of the heterodyne mixer) by means of integrated wide-band planar micro-antennas. The nanostructuration of YBaCuO ultra-thin films is a real technological challenge because of the easy degradation (de-oxygenation) of the YBaCuO material during the patterning process. The technological process will combine electronic lithography and optical lithography steps.

The thesis work will be essentially experimental. The main points to be covered will include the following aspects:

a) Design of HEB detectors (geometry, coupling with a THz planar antenna, intermediate frequency output signal lines, chip) and realization of micro/nanodevices made from superconducting YBaCuO ultra-thin films using clean room facilities. Electrical and optical tests performed on the HEB devices will allow to evaluate the ageing phenomena of the YBaCuO ultra-thin films so to optimise the technological fabrication process.

b) Modelling of the physics appearing in the HEB devices (microscopic modelling specific to high-Tc superconductors). FTIR spectroscopy measurements will also complete the knowledge on the optical properties of the YBaCuO ultra-thin layers in the THz range.

c) THz tests of HEB mixers (sensitivity, noise, resolution, etc.). An optical characterization test bench will be specifically developed.

Required education and skills: Candidates should have a MSc or equivalent degree in electronics engineering or photonics or applied physics. But more important they should feel a clear affinity to combining basics physics knowledge with instrumentation engineering. The research not only requires working at LGEP-Supélec premises but at other sites (clean room facilities in the close environment of LGEP and in Grenoble). Interactions with industrial and academic partners are planned. For this, excellent social skills and the willingness to cope with varied experimental approaches are also required.

Funding Notes:

Work contract type: temporary. Employer: Supélec.
Duration: 36 months. Expected start date: 1st December 2011.
Salary: competitive at the European level.

How to apply? Candidates should e-mail a detailed CV and a letter of motivation to, before 22 October 2011. Two references of referees are required.

Qualified women are encouraged to apply.

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