Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Advanced Photonix, Inc. Announces T-RAY 4000® System Sale to Denmark Technical University

ANN ARBOR, Mich.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Advanced Photonix, Inc.® (NYSE Amex: API) today announced that the Lyngby campus of The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has purchased a T-Ray 4000® from its wholly-owned subsidiary, Picometrix, for terahertz time-domain studies. Terahertz (THz) science and technology is a key strategic area of development for the Photonics Engineering department of the University. It is the University’s plan to integrate THz technology directly into both the undergraduate and graduate students’ laboratory curriculum. The T-Ray 4000® will allow the University to bring experimental demonstrations into the classroom, giving students the ability to participate in live demonstrations of fundamental concepts such as total internal reflection, diffraction, refraction, and waveguide propagation. “The Picometrix system was chosen because of its world-leading specifications, good interface options, low weight, and versatility for the use as a portable system which can be used either in our laboratories, in the class room, and in the environments of external partners”, said Professor Peter Uhd Jepsen of DTU Fotonik.
The initial use of the system at DTU is to characterize novel THz photonic bandgap fibers. The flexibility of the system is crucial in measuring critical fiber parameters. The system can be changed easily between transmission, reflection, and collinear or non-collinear measurement configurations. In the future, the university will utilize the system’s flexibility to expand into a wider range of applications including imaging and ComputedTomography (CT) scanning. For example, in collaboration with Danish industrial partners, it will be used for fundamental studies of microring resonators and additional nondestructive analysis.
“We are excited to be working with the top researchers at the DTU in continuing to create centers of excellence for THz science and technology. The T-Ray 4000’s versatility is validated by API’s ability to tap a diverse number of market opportunities that range from research to industrial applications. The T-Ray 4000®was selected by this active research center above a host of other options due to its superior flexibility and performance capability,” said Richard Kurtz, CEO of API.
The T-Ray 4000® is the most full-featured, self-contained time-domain terahertz (TD-THz) system in the world. The portability of the T-Ray 4000® and its fiber-coupled sensors allow either automated or manual positioning of the sensor heads and permit the imaging of any size object in place, thereby eliminating the need to fit the object into a specialized sample chamber. The superior capabilities of the T-Ray® platform allow a variety of unique and novel applications to be investigated from thin web based materials to thick samples, such as the Space Shuttle’s tiles, to be scanned with the highest degree of accuracy.
DTU is a self-governed university specializing in education, research, public service and innovation. The University's main tasks are performed by 18 institutions and a national laboratory on campus in Lyngby, north of Copenhagen, and in several other locations in Copenhagen, Zealand and Jutland. The university owns extensive experimental facilities, including a deep-sea research vessel, and a state-of-the-art clean room for nano technology.
About Advanced Photonix, Inc.
Advanced Photonix, Inc.® (NYSE Amex: API) is a leading supplier with a broad offering of optoelectronic products to a global customer base. We provide optoelectronic solutions, high-speed optical receivers and terahertz instrumentation for telecom, homeland security, military, medical and industrial markets. With our patented technology and state-of-the-art manufacturing we offer industry leading performance, exceptional quality, and high value-added products to our OEM customer base. For more information visit us on the web athttp://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=AvRbGsDvMVeDBwZ4tCoDrfPjba9_;_ylu=X3oDMTE2amRpa2RuBHBvcwMyBHNlYwNuZXdzYXJ0Ym9keQRzbGsDd3d3YWR2YW5jZWRw/SIG=176429ep1/EXP=1307451361/**http%3A//cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT%3Fid=smartlink%26url=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.advancedphotonix.com%26esheet=6734505%26lan=en-US%26anchor=www.advancedphotonix.com%26index=2%26md5=3870e8b9fc85367c82c53023dd0166d6.

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