Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Why don't the people "in the know" want to comment?

What if you started a blog, and nobody cared? Well, we haven't reached quite that level here, but the lack of interest in posting anything substantive about terahertz or which is really informative, is becoming quite pronounced. I have asked numerous people involved in terahertz for comment, but very little response has materialized. If people in the know don't want to post here, please consider starting your own blog. In fact, that might be preferable. I just want discussion, commentary, a place to ask questions. Having said this, I recognize that the people in the know, do have their journals and resources such as the virtual thz journal I linked on the home page here. It's probably wishful thinking that they would want to discuss their ideas in public which are often proprietary, but at least I'm trying to open up such a discussion forum.
What are the technical limitations and problems that keep terahertz from moving firmly from the research lab to industrial floors. My sense is that is that it is cost, and need to demonstrate a proven return on the significant investment, before any industry (other than the US government -ie NASA) comes on board. However, once the tap gets started it's going to significantly increase in volume. When is this likely, and with what product platform.? Those are the big questions in my mind.
Perhaps part of the problem with this blog, arises from my lack of expertise in the science surrounding the topic, and some of my prior posts may have appeared naive or simply unintelligible, to those involved with Terahertz. If so, then it's regretable, because this remains an interesting topic, and I continue to invite anyone with a background in terahertz to post. So far, only Dr. Mittleman, at Rice University, has taken any time to help some of us better understand developments in Terahertz, so we can spread the word, and for some us, help with investment opportunities that currently exist. Thank you yet again, Dr. Mittleman.
I learned earlier this week during my questions on the Advanced Photonix, (API) conference call, that the 145 million dollar Darpa contract with Teledyne, which is to be used to develop terahertz electronics for transceiver arrays, (which was posted on May 17th here: )really is not about terahertz (in a conventional sense) at all. At least, it doesn't involve the development of a machine which will bear any real relationship to the Advanced Photonix T-4000.
So, my earlier post, displayed my confusion about the development of the technology, and a total lack of comprehension about the nuances.
Anyone involved with Terahertz development is welcome to post their comments and insights by emailing me at

In the meantime, I have joined the facebook Thz group, which is found here: .

I found it interesting that there are other terahertz groups on facebook including
Virginia Diodes ( which has their own page here:

So, one last time. Help me, get some intelligent word (for a change), out about developments and opportunities to be found in the virgin field of Terahertz .

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