Friday, February 5, 2021

Low cost and long-focal-depth metallic axicon for terahertz frequencies based on parallel-plate-waveguides


A. I. Hernandez-Serrano,  Emma Pickwell-MacPherson

Photo of the triangular-shaped axicon and dimensions. (b) False color diagram representing the variation of the focal length as function of the frequency. (c) Experimental setup for the investigation of focal depth and cross-section properties of the metallic axicon. The blue regions denote THz light. The sample is represented by the orange line.

In this work we demonstrate a triangular surface lens (axicon) operating at frequencies between 350 and 450 GHz using parallel-plate-waveguide technology. The proposed axicon offers longer focal depth characteristics compared to conventional plastic lenses, surpassing common TPX lenses by one order of magnitude. Additionally, due to the triangular surface of the axicon, this device is able to focus THz radiation onto smaller areas than TPX lenses, enhancing the resolution characteristics of THz imaging systems. The frequency range of operation of the proposed axicon can be easily tuned by changing the space between plates, making this approach a very attractive candidate for low-cost, robust and easy to assemble solutions for the next generation of active THz devices.

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