Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Abstract-Exact frequency and phase control of a terahertz laser

Reshma A. Mohandas, Lalitha Ponnampalam, Lianhe Li, Paul Dean, Alwyn J. Seeds, Edmund H. Linfield, A. Giles Davies, and Joshua R. Freeman

Schematic diagram of the experimental arrangement. EDFA, erbium doped fibre amplifier; Tx, photomixer emitter; Rx1 and Rx2, photomixer receivers; PLL, phase lock loop; Δφ, variable delay line. Electrical connections are shown in black, optical fiber and IR connections in red, and terahertz connections in green.

The accuracy of high-resolution spectroscopy depends critically on the stability, frequency control, and traceability available from laser sources. In this work, we report exact tunable frequency synthesis and phase control of a terahertz laser. The terahertz laser is locked by a terahertz injection phase lock loop for the first time, with the terahertz signal generated by heterodyning selected lines from an all-fiber infrared frequency comb generator in an ultrafast photodetector. The comb line frequency separation is exactly determined by a Global Positioning System-locked microwave frequency synthesizer, providing traceability of the terahertz laser frequency to primary standards. The locking technique reduced the heterodyne linewidth of the terahertz laser to a measurement instrument-limited linewidth of <1Hz, robust against short- and long-term environmental fluctuations. The terahertz laser frequency can be tuned in increments determined only by the microwave synthesizer resolution, and the phase of the laser, relative to the reference, is independently and precisely controlled within a range ±0.3π. These findings are expected to enable applications in phase-resolved high-precision terahertz gas spectroscopy and radiometry.
Published by The Optical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.

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