Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Abstract-Multi-layered full-field phase imaging using continuous-wave terahertz ptychography

Dayong Wang, Bing Li, Lu Rong, Fangrui Tan, John J. Healy, Jie Zhao, and Yunxin Wang;postID=6482707098183844787

Due to the unique properties of terahertz (THz) waves, THz phase imaging has been widely investigated to retrieve the absorption and phase modulation of dielectric two-dimensional thin samples, as well as multiple stacked samples. In this Letter, we apply the three-dimensional ptychographic iterative engine algorithm for continuous-wave THz full-field multi-layered phase imaging. The complex-valued transmission function of two-layered polypropylene thin plates and the corresponding probe function are reconstructed, respectively, which are immune to crosstalk of different layers. The phenomenon of the field-of-view enlargement at the second object layer is observed. This lensless compact imaging method can be potentially used for THz three-dimensional imaging.
© 2020 Optical Society of America

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