Thursday, December 5, 2019

Abstract-Energy Spectra of Electron Beams and the Possibility of Double-Stage Energy Recuperation in a Double-Beam Terahertz Gyrotron

M. Yu. Glyavin, V. Yu. Zaslavsky, I. V. Zotova, V. N. Manuilov, A. P. Fokin,

We study theoretically the possibilities of double-stage energy recuperation in a double-beam terahertz gyrotron. Numerical modeling, which was performed for a gyrotron producing radiation with a frequency of 0.78 THz and operating at the second cyclotron-frequency harmonic at the TE8.5 mode, demonstrates the possibility of spatial and energy separation of electron beams. This makes it possible to implement a double-stage recuperation scheme. The found energy spectra of electrons suggest an increase in the gyrotron efficiency by 3.5–4 times.

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