Tara E. Drake, Travis C. Briles, Jordan R. Stone, Daryl T. Spencer, David R. Carlson, Daniel D. Hickstein, Qing Li, Daron Westly, Kartik Srinivasan, Scott A. Diddams, and Scott B. Papp
Kerr microresonators generate interesting and useful fundamental states of electromagnetic radiation through nonlinear interactions of continuous-wave (CW) laser light. With photonic-integration techniques, functional devices with low noise, small size, low-power consumption, scalable fabrication, and heterogeneous combinations of photonics and electronics can be realized. Kerr solitons, which stably circulate in a Kerr microresonator, have emerged as a source of coherent, ultrafast pulse trains and ultra-broadband optical-frequency combs. Using the f−2f technique, Kerr combs can support carrier-envelope-offset phase stabilization to enable optical synthesis and metrology. Here, we introduce a Kerr-microresonator optical clockwork, which is a foundational device that distributes optical-clock signals to the mode-difference frequency of a comb. Our clockwork is based on a silicon-nitride (Si3N4) microresonator that generates a Kerr-soliton frequency comb with a repetition frequency of 1 THz. We measure our terahertz clockwork by electro-optic modulation with a microwave signal, enabling optical-based timing experiments in this wideband and high-speed frequency range. Moreover, by EO phase modulation of our entire Kerr-soliton comb, we arbitrarily generate additional CW modes between the 1-THz modes to reduce the repetition frequency and increase the resolution of the comb. Our experiments characterize the absolute frequency noise of this Kerr-microresonator clockwork to one part in 1017, which is the highest accuracy and precision ever reported with this technology and opens the possibility of measuring high-performance optical clocks with Kerr combs.
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