Saturday, May 4, 2019

Abstract-Terahertz multi-band unidirectional reflectionless phenomenon in a MIM plasmonic waveguide system based on near-field coupling

Tianyi Dai, Fei Zhao, Cong Zhang, Xing Ri Jin, Ying Qiao Zhang, Chengshou An,  YoungPak Lee

Dual-band unidirectional reflectionlessness is investigated in a system consisting of three stub resonators side-coupled to a metal-insulator-metal plasmonic waveguide based on near-field coupling in terahertz domain. Reflectivities of 0 (0.65) and 0 (0.97), respectively, at two exceptional points 4.11THz and 4.695THz are obtained for forward (backward) direction. More than that multi-band unidirectional reflectionlessness is demonstrated based on multi-stub resonators side-coupled to an MIM plasmonic waveguide.

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