Friday, February 2, 2018

Picometrix® finds its new home as the TeraMetrix™ division of Luna

Picometrix® is a name synonymous with state of the art terahertz systems.  With release of the first commercially available terahertz system in 2000, Picometrix established itself as the world leader in fiber coupled terahertz.  Now with a 4th generation product on the market, and our world leading position in industrial process control, we are changing our name.  Under the same leadership and technical team, we are now TeraMetrixTM in recognition of increased focus on our terahertz product line.TeraMetrix_Logo
Through the merger of Advanced Photonix, Inc. with Luna Innovations, Inc., TeraMetrix is now a division of Luna Innovations (NASDAQ: LUNA).  The T-Ray 5000 product line of TeraMetrix fits perfectly into the suite of fiber optic test and sensing products of Luna.
With strong support from Luna, we have a full schedule of exhibits and demonstrations covering a variety of applications including industrial process control, non-destructive testing, aerospace, and research.
Keep your eye on this blog for updates on the advanced features of our products and the opportunities to see them in action.

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