Saturday, December 30, 2017

Abstract-Magnetopolaritons in Weyl semimetals in a strong magnetic field

Zhongqu Long, Yongrui Wang, Maria Erukhimova, Mikhail Tokman, Alexey Belyanin

Exotic topological and transport properties of Weyl semimetals generated a lot of excitement in the condensed matter community. Here we show that Weyl semimetals in a strong magnetic field are highly unusual optical materials. The propagation of electromagnetic waves is affected by an interplay between plasmonic response of chiral Weyl fermions and extreme anisotropy induced by a magnetic field. The resulting magneto-polaritons possess a number of peculiar properties, such as hyperbolic dispersion, photonic stop bands, coupling-induced transparency, and broadband polarization conversion. These effects can be used for optical spectroscopy of these materials including detection of the chiral anomaly, or for broadband terahertz/infrared applications.

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