Monday, December 9, 2013

2nd TeraHertz: New opportunities for industry – Formation courte How the TeraHertz revolution impacts your business -

My Note:I received this email this morning. Happy to share the information with the THz community.

Dear Randy,

First of all, I would like to say thank you for this blog. This is very useful! 
I would like to advertise the 2nd TeraHertz 

New opportunities for industry, organized by Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Some places are still available.

The following is a link for information and registration:

The following is a description of the event:

Target audience

R&D managers, engineers and scientists seeking a comprehensive update on TeraHertz technologies and applications, a disruptively evolving field.
A general background in science & technology is sufficient.


TeraHertz (THz), the frequencies between electronics and optics, was until recently the last unexploited part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The harnessing of THz-based technologies has the potential of impacting globally a vast number of industries, like both electronics in the 70’s and optics in the 80’s did.
THz applications span over a wide array of fields, including:
  • Quality Control and Non-destructive testing
  • Surface analysis
  • Security
  • Chemical and Bio-Medical analysis
  • Telecommunications
Filling the Terahertz “gap” has led to unprecedented creativity in the development and commercialization of TeraHertz sources, transmission components and detectors.
This course is a unique opportunity to network with specialists, converge know-how, and scout for innovative applications.


  • Learn about the latest TeraHertz technologies and their market potential
  • Discover examples of TeraHertz applications and the corresponding industrial opportunities
  • Network with specialists in this emerging field

Topics and Hands-on

  • THz test & measurements instrumentations: Network Analyzers
  • THz solid state sources
  • THz on-chip measurements
  • High speed Electronics
  • THz analysis of volatile mixtures


A certificate of participation will be delivered at the end of the course.


  • Nanostructured Materials Physics Laboratory (LPMN)
  • Institute of Condensed Matter Physics (ICMP)
  • School of Basic Sciences (FSB)
  • Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

In collaboration with

  • SWISSto12 SA, a company issued from the EPFL Science Park

Steering committee

  • Prof. Jean-Philippe Ansermet, School of Basic Sciences, ICMP, EPFL
  • Dr. Alessandro MacorSWISSto12 SA
  • Emile de Rijk, SWISSto12 SA

Confirmed Speakers from

  • Agilent
  • BrightSpec
  • Becker-Photonik
  • Cascade Microtech
  • Nuvotronics
  • Radiometer Physics
  • Teledyne Scientific
  • Virginia Diodes


  • Keynote speakers from industry will give an overview of applications and challenges.
  • Hands-on experience with demonstrators

Dates and schedule

  • Monday, 12 February 2014, 1.30 pm to 6 pm
  • Tuesday, 13 February 2014, 9 am to 6 pm
  • Wednesday, 14 February 2014, 9 am to 1 pm

Course venue

EPFL Innovation Park, Lausanne, Switzerland


Course fee : Early registration (before 29th November 2013)
600.- Swiss Francs (includes course material and refreshments)
Late registration
800.- Swiss Francs
Limited places available.
Registration deadline: 13th December 2013
- See more at:

Best regards

Dr. Denis Ferachou

PH H0 505 (bâtiment PH)
Station 3
CH-1015 Lausanne

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