Friday, June 3, 2011

Ohio State University Scientists Collaborate on $3 Million MURI: Devices and Architectures for Terahertz Electronics

File 3928
Prof. Berger, Prof. Rajan, Dr. Sertel and Prof. Volakis
The Ohio State University has been selected by the Office of Naval Research for a large Multi-University Research Initiative (MURI) grant to establish a new research program, DATE (III-N Devices and Architectures for TerahertzElectronics). The DATE program will explore the use of ultra fast gallium nitride semiconductor devices at unprecedented high frequencies above one terahertz. Electrical and Computer Engineering professors and scientistsKubilay Sertel, John VolakisPaul Berger, and Siddharth Rajan are part of this project. The Ohio State team is budgeted to receive $3 million in funding over five years and will work together with the lead institution, University of Notre Dame, and two other universities. Rajan leads the OSU team in this effort.
The objective of the project is to exploit nanoscale control of semiconductors, and new circuit and antenna structures to enable revolutionary applications in ultra-high speed communication, sensing, and imaging. This project builds upon established expertise at Ohio State in the emerging topics of high-performance gallium nitride materials and devices and terahertz technologies, and is the third such MURI grant to be awarded to Ohio State in the area of gallium nitride materials devices in the last four years. It will also leverage work being done in an existing Wright Center, the Hyperspectral Engine Lab for Integrated Optical Systems (HELIOS), which is led by Volakis and focuses on terahertz imaging.

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