Saturday, June 8, 2019

Abstract-Terahertz wave generation from liquid nitrogen

Alexei V. Balakin, Jean-Louis Coutaz, Vladimir A. Makarov, Igor A. Kotelnikov, Yan Peng, Peter M. Solyankin, Yiming Zhu, and Alexander P. Shkurinov

Fig. 1. Experimental setup. M–dielectric mirror; MM–metallic mirror; BS–beam splitter; λ/2–half-wave phase plate; L–lens; PM–off-axis parabolic mirror; BBO–β-barium borate crystal.

We present the results of research carried out for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, on the generation of terahertz radiation under the action of “single-color” and “dual-color” high-power femtosecond laser pulses on liquefied gas–liquid nitrogen. Our experimental results supported by careful theoretical interpretation showed clearly that under femtosecond laser radiation, liquid and air emit terahertz waves in a very different way. We assumed that the mobility of ions and electrons in liquid can play an essential role, forming a quasi-static electric field by means of ambipolar diffusion mechanism.
© 2019 Chinese Laser Press

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