Monday, June 10, 2019

THz-Raman® Spectroscopy Benchtop Module for Terahertz Spectroscopy

The patented modules for THz-Raman® Spectroscopy produced by Coherent allow Raman spectroscopy to be extended into the Terahertz (THz)/low-frequency region; allowing Raman to be carried out in the same region as THz spectroscopy while still being able to measure a sample’s chemical fingerprint region.
The THz region contains another fingerprint – the “molecular fingerprint,” which relates to the molecular structure of the sample. Extension of Raman into the THz spectrum means that both the chemical composition and molecular structure of a sample can be characterized using just one measurement.
Ondax’s TR-BENCH is built to sit on the lab benchtop and has a range of different sample interfaces which can be easily switched to make taking measurements fast and simple. These include a tablet/vial holder and a steerable non-contact optic.
The TR-BENCH is provided with a standard cage mounting plate, which is centered on the collimated output beam, for simple integration into a custom spectrometer or for custom collection optics. The system can be supplied with either circular polarization or a dual-port/dual polarization output for the measurement of S and P polarizations at the same time.
TR-Series Products and Accessories

Key Features

  • Switchable sample interfaces – steerable open beam, tablet/vial holder, or contact probe tip
  • Quick collection of THz-Raman® spectra in the range of 150 GHz to 90 THz (5 cm-1 to >3000 cm-1)
  • Easily interfaced with many other spectrometers via fiber coupled output
  • Can be used as part of a complete turnkey solution or added onto an existing Raman spectrometer
  • Compact optics with integrated, single frequency, powerful laser source
  • Simultaneous Stokes and anti-Stokes measurement provides enhanced SNR with inherent calibration reference
  • Can be provided at excitation wavelengths of 532 nm, 785 nm, 850 nm, 976 nm and 1064 nm


  • Research into crystallization and reaction mechanisms
  • Characterization of polymorphs
  • Low level detection and source attribution of hazardous materials, drugs and explosives
  • Mineralogy, forensics and archeology
  • Structural analysis of semiconductors, photovoltaics, and nano- and bio-materials

Full Raman spectrum of the pharmaceutical Carbamazepine showing both the THz-Raman “Structural Fingerprint” and traditional “Chemical Fingerprint” regions. Note higher intensity and symmetry of THz-Raman signals

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