Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Abstract-Powerful continuous-wave sub-terahertz electron maser operating at the 3rd cyclotron harmonic

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Yu. K. Kalynov, V. N. Manuilov, A. Sh. Fiks,  N. A. Zavodski
Photo (a), a drawing of the LOG with a cryomagnet (b), and a scheme of the electron-optical system with a magnetic-field reversal (c). Trajectories of particles in the collector region at a fixed time instant (d) and a scheme of the collector coil system (e).

Coherent subterahertz radiation is achieved in an electron cyclotron maser (large-orbit gyrotron configuration) operating at a higher cyclotron harmonic in the continuous-wave generation regime. This auto-oscillator is based on the use of a gun with a magnetic field cusp and a section for adiabatic magnetic compression with a factor of 1000, forming a 30 keV/0.7 A axis-encircling electron beam in a magnetic field of 5 T. A stable single-mode generation is achieved in the case of operation at the third and second cyclotron harmonics at frequencies of 0.394 THz and 0.267 THz with radiation powers of 0.37 kW and 0.9 kW, respectively.

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