Thursday, February 7, 2019

Abstract-High power THz coherent Cherenkov radiation based on a separated dielectric loaded waveguide

Shimin Jiang, Weiwei Li, Zhigang He, Ruixuan Huang, Qika Jia, Lin Wang, Yalin Lu,

Fig. 1. Structure diagrams of (a) the ordinary DLW and (b) the radially separated…

In this paper, we propose a new type of dielectric loaded waveguide structure named separated dielectric loaded waveguide (SDLW), whose dielectric layer and metal layer are separated with each other. The characters of wakefield inside SDLW are studied in details by theory analysis and numerical simulation. Compared with the ordinary dielectric loaded waveguide, the peak power of Terahertz coherent Cherenkov radiation (CCR) excited by the short relativistic electron bunch can be enhanced by over one order. Therefore, this new structure offers a promising candidate for high power THz source

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