Saturday, December 22, 2018

Abstract-THz-excitation spectroscopy technique for band-offset determination

V. Karpus, R. Norkus, R. Butkutė, S. Stanionytė, B. Čechavičius, A. Krotkus

Fig. 3 Experimental setup for THz excitation spectroscopy measurements.

The experimental THz-excitation spectroscopy technique for determining heterojunction band offsets is suggested. When photoexcited electrons gain sufficient energy to pass the potential barrier corresponding to a conduction band offset, an amplitude of THz-emission pulse sharply increases, which allows for direct measurements of the offset value. The technique is applied for determining GaAsBi-GaAs band offsets. The deduced conduction band offset of GaAsBi-GaAs heterojunction has about 45% of an energy gap difference at the Bi concentrations x <0.12 investigated.
© 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

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