Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Abstract-Tunable terahertz absorber using double-layer decussate graphene ribbon arrays

Fang Zeng, Longfang Ye,  Xiong Xu,  Xiaofan Yang,


A tunable graphene-based terahertz perfect absorber consists of periodic double-layer decussate graphene ribbons is proposed. In the proposed absorber, the two arrays of graphene ribbons are separated by the dielectric zro2. From the bottom up, the multi-layer absorber structure is made up of Au/ zro2/graphene materials respectively. The reflection of all the electromagnetic waves is effectively restricted in the interlayer between the graphene ribbons and the metal plate, and the transmission of electromagnetic waves is also suppressed due to thick metal base. By varying the chemical potential graphene, the peak absorption frequency can be flexibly tuned. By changing the geometric parameters of the structure, more than 99% absorbance can be achieved. Moreover, the graphene absorber has a simple structure and can be easily manufactured by an existing manufacturing process, such absorber will benefit the fabrication of detecting, sensing and optoelectronic devices.

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