Sunday, April 12, 2009


I think this  question, actually summarizes why I started this blog.  I understand that some of the individuals that  know the answer to this question, may not want to post a response or comment to this basic question,  for any number of reasons. Perhaps, they don't want to disclose just how far ahead, or behind they, ( their company or university)  are. Everyone is competing to make terahertz commercially accessible,  and why disclose information that could be proprietary, or could impact funding? Why make predictions that turn out to be incorrect?

Another  plausible reason,  is why share information with the lay community? Nobody, funding terahertz is likely to care about this blog. None of the lay community have anything to share about the techology that will help advance the cause. But wait, just a minute. While it is true that many here, are looking for realistic evaluations of when thz applications will become commercially practical and a reality for monetary reasons, ( and there is nothing wrong, with that motive, which I share) perhaps, if interest and attention grows, someone with funding will take notice. That is the power of the internet and the reason I started this blog. 

I have been on a mission, the last week, to see if I can obtain commentary on what the "state of the art" actually, is, and if anyone can provide meaningful insight into what the next year, and the next five years holds for this virgin technology. Hence, I am trying to email some of the best and brightest in the field to comment. Thanks again, to Dr. Mittleman for accepting my invitation to comment. (I didn't intend to put him on the "spot" by the topic of my last post, and if ANYONE cares to comment on that topic, please do so.) Also, if some of you  are inclined , help me get the word out about this blog,  to companies, professors, graduate students, anyone that can offer intelligent insight on where terahertz is today, and what's realistic for tomorrow.

Thanks to all that have signed on here! The internet is an incredible resource and let's put it to use, for our own selfish, and larger motives. My sense is that Terahertz technology will change many, many things and will benefit mankind in the process. Am I naive, this will happen sooner rather than later?


Danny M. said...

Very good start to this Randy! Thanks for your efforts; I look forward to keeping up with all things Thz on your blog!

Terahertz Technology said...

Thanks Danny for posting! It would be interesting to know how some of the others members found this page, (besides my posts on investors village). If anyone that found this blog, some other way cares to leave a short post about how you surfed here, it would be appreciated. You can post anonymously, I'm just looking for information to help get the word out. thanks