Pages- Terahertz Imaging & Detection

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Abstract-Study of a high-order mode terahertz backward wave ocsillator driven by multiple sheet electron beams

G. X. Shu, C. Q. Zhou, H. Xiong,  L. Chen, Z. F. Qian,  G. Liu,

The concept of achieving powerful terahertz radiation by the interaction between high-order mode backward wave and multiple sheet electron beams is proposed to increase the operating frequency of the backward wave oscillator (BWO) to a high level such as over 1 THz. For the high-order mode operation, an orthogonal grating waveguide slow wave structure is proposed. Particle-in-cell simulations show that the high-order mode BWO can generate over 0.84 W power in the frequency range of 1.20-1.32 THz. The proposed methodology provides a potential solution to develop compact terahertz radiation sources with high output power and broad tunable bandwidth.

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