Pages- Terahertz Imaging & Detection

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Abstract-The investigation of the electromagnetic coupling effect in terahertz toroidal metasurfaces and metamaterials

Shuang Wang, Xiaoli Zhao, Song Wang, Quan Li, Jianyu Zhu,  Lei Han

Fig. 1. Schematic images of the proposed (a) TD MSs and (b) TD MMs ;(c) Microscope…Fig. 3. Schematic of TD induced surface current by LC resonance of (a) TD MSs and (c)TD…

We proposed and fabricated toroidal dipole (TD) metasurfaces(MSs) with a metamolecule of two coplanar U-shaped split ring resonators(USRRs) fabricated on polyimide substrate, and TD metamaterials (MMs) were the stacks of two TD MSs layers, whose frequencies, electromagnetic (EM) distributions and Q factor can be efficiently affected by the EM coupling effect in TD MSs/MMs. It was found that the resonances frequencies of TD MMs were shifted to lower frequencies due to the increase of inductance by the stacks of metallic layer. Meanwhile, the high-frequency TD resonance in TD MMs would be tailored by the periodicity. Considering the relation between TD resonances and the scattering power of TD (Ty), the Q factor depended highly on the value of Ty in the same metamolecule structure. The optimization in excitation of TD provide opportunity to further increase the Q-factor of metamaterial and pave a way for potential applications in terahertz sensor and other functional devices.

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