Pages- Terahertz Imaging & Detection

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Abstract-Terahertz multiple modes defined by fractal symmetry in complementary meta-atoms

Zhidong Gu, Zhenyu Zhao, Hui Zhao, Wei Peng, Jianbing Zhang, Hongwei Zhao, Rajour Tanyi Ako, and Sharath Sriram

 Schematic representation of CSRR design. (a) Fractal meta-atoms of CSRR under different symmetric conditions: O-gap, U-gap, and C-gap, respectively, and fractal levels. (b) Pattern direction of fractal meta-atom, of which the z direction is the <100>-crystallographic orientation of SI-GaAs. P: lattice period, g: gap-size, r1: outer-radius, r2: inner-radius. (c) The top-view optical image of meta-atom. (d) Diagram of terahertz transmission spectroscopy

Low quality (Q) factors of the intrinsic inductive–capacitive (LC) mode as well as the parasitic dipole oscillation mode restrict high-resolution sensing using split-ring resonators (SRR). Although the trapped Fano-mode of the high-Q factor is found in asymmetric SRR, the conventional design limits the scaling down of resonators. As such, excitation and manipulation of multiple trapped modes of SRR is significant for driving innovative designs of terahertz metamaterials and metasurfaces. In this work, we present a novel approach to manipulating multiple terahertz modes by increasing the fractal levels as well as the geometric symmetry of complementary SRR. It is found that the multiple trapped modes become achievable only in the case that the gap of adjacent fractal SRR opposes each other. By increasing the fractal level, the intrinsic resonance modes change slightly, and more trapped modes appear in between the frequency range of the two major intrinsic modes. The map of surface currents and magnetic field distribution reveal that intrinsic LC resonance in the first or second level SRR dominates the intrinsic modes. By contrast, the trapped mode arises from the hybridization of high-order localized dipole oscillation as well as the multiple localized LC resonances. These findings create new design opportunities for scalable metasurfaces across the terahertz spectrum and beyond, with ability to create high-resolution sensors.
© 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

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