Pages- Terahertz Imaging & Detection

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Abstract-Terahertz metamaterial beam splitters based on untraditional coding scheme

Xiaohua Xing, Yanfeng Li, Yongchang Lu, Wentao Zhang, Xixiang Zhang, Jiaguang Han, and Weili Zhang
 (a) Conventional coding “000111000111……/000111000111……” sequence, with “0” elements in blue and “1” elements in yellow. (b) Unconventional “offset” coding sequence. (c) Equivalent modeling of “offset” sequence. (d) Equivalent structure of “offset” sequence for (b). (e) Schematic diagram of θ and φ in the Cartesian coordinate system.

Terahertz waves have attracted considerable research interest in recent years because of their potential applications in diverse fields. As an important device to control terahertz waves, beam splitters with greater flexibility and higher degrees of freedom are highly desirable. In order to obtain higher degrees of freedom in beam splitting, 2-bit or higher-bit coding elements are usually introduced into metamaterial beam splitters based on the coding theory. In this work, a new “offset” coding scheme using only the 1-bit coding elements of “0” and “1” is presented, and the period of coding for beam splitting can be a non-integer multiple of the length of a single unit rather than only its integer multiples. Therefore, more beam-splitting degrees of freedom can be obtained, and the design strategy is experimentally verified. We believe that the new coding scheme will also be of significance in radar cross section reduction and flexible wave control.
© 2019 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

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