Pages- Terahertz Imaging & Detection

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Abstract-Electrical modulation of terahertz radiation using graphene-phosphorene heterostructures

Victor Ryzhii, Taiichi Otsuji, Maxim Ryzhii, Dmitry Sergeevich Ponomarev, Valerij Karasik, Vladimir Leiman, Vladimir Mitin,  Michael Shur,

We analyze the electrical modulation of the terahertz (THz) radiation associated with the carrier heating in the graphene-phosphorene (GP) heterostuctures. The heating of the carriers leads to the transfer of a significant fraction 
 of the light carriers in the G-layer to the P-layer with a relatively large carrier effective mass.
 This might result in a dramatic decrease in the conductivity of the GP-channel
 that could be used to modulate
 the incident THz radiation. We demonstrate that the depth of the THz radiation modulation can be large in relatively wide range of the modulation frequencies.

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