Pages- Terahertz Imaging & Detection

Friday, July 20, 2018

Abstract-Three-octave terahertz pulses from optical rectification of 20 fs, 1 μm, 78 MHz pulses in GaP

Jia Xu,Björn Globisch,Christina Hofer, Nikolai Lilienfein, Thomas Butler, Nicholas Karpowicz,loachim Pupeza

We demonstrate optical rectification of 1 μm pulses with a duration of 20 fs, a repetition-rate of 78 MHz and an average power of 5.5 W, in a 2 mm thick GaP crystal. The spectrum of the resulting far-infrared pulses is centered at 1.5 THz and extends to 5 THz at −50 dB intensity. In the absence of resonant absorption of GaP in this range, the spectrum has a well-behaved shape, facilitating spectroscopic applications. In the context of the recent rapid evolution of high-power Yb-based femtosecond laser systems, these results show a viable route towards sources of THz pulses combining broad bandwidth, high average power and a smooth spectral shape.

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