Pages- Terahertz Imaging & Detection

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Abstract-Terahertz Dyakonov plasmon surface waves supported by a plasma/TiO 2 interface

Mostafa Moradi and Ali Reza Niknam

Dyakonov plasmon surface wave (DPSW) which is a special case of Dyakonov surface wave (DSW) is studied theoretically at the interface of an isotropic plasma and a uniaxial rutile TiO\textsubscript{2} in the terahertz (THz) frequencies. DPSW has the combination of properties of both DSW and surface plasmon polariton (SPP) such as directionality (of DSW) and high localization degree (of SPP). The existence conditions for propagation of the DPSW in this structure are found to be extremely relaxed compared to DSW existing in dielectric media. DPSWs in comparison to common SPPs are composed of four evanescent waves: transverse electric and transverse magnetic in the isotropic plasma cover, and ordinary and extraordinary waves in the uniaxial rutile TiO\textsubscript{2} crystal substrate. Frequency tunability, localization degree, directionality and hybridization factor of the DPSWs for three cases of THz frequencies are investigated. It is also demonstrated that the presence of the plasma medium with tunable permittivity, can lead to novel applications of DPSWs in such structures.

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