Pages- Terahertz Imaging & Detection

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Abstract-Bessel-like beam generated by an axicon based on parallel-plate waveguides

Tingting Shen, Tingting Lang, Mengru Wu, and Zhanghua Han

The axicon is the simplest and most effective optical element for generating the zero-order Bessel-like beam. The zero-order Bessel-like beam, which has the characteristics of small spot size, high brightness, good direction, and large collimation distance, can be applied to optical micromanipulation and power transmission. In this paper, we proposed and designed a structure for phase manipulation based on parallel-plate waveguides that can be used to realize the functionality of the axicon in the terahertz (THz) region. Meanwhile, we characterized the influence of the cone angle of the axicon and the waist radius of the incident Gaussian beam on the generated zero-order Bessel-like beam by simulation. The planar structure, consisting of a parallel stack of thin copper plates, can be easily fabricated to fulfill the phase requirement to realize the zero-order Bessel-like beam and also can be utilized in THz imaging systems, THz sensing systems, THz communication systems, etc.
© 2018 Optical Society of America

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