Pages- Terahertz Imaging & Detection

Monday, January 1, 2018

Abstract-Tuning the terahertz trapped modes of conductively coupled Fano-resonators in reflectional and rotational symmetry

Xiaobo Zheng, Zhenyu Zhao, Wei Peng, Jianbing Zhang, Hongwei Zhao, and Wangzhou Shi

We experimentally investigate the terahertz (THz) response of conductively coupled asymmetric split ring resonator-based meta-molecules in the layout of reflection and rotational symmetry. In the reflectional symmetry case, the horizontally polarized THz excites a couple of trapped modes: the low-order one is a coupled Fano-resonance, and the high-order one is a decoupled dipole oscillator. The vertically polarized THz excites an inductive-capacitor resonance as a low-order trapped mode below the frequency of a high-order intrinsic mode. The quality factors (Q factors) of trapped modes decrease with the displacement of top-and-bottom gap increasing. In the rotational symmetry case, the horizontally polarized THz excites a single trapped mode owing to coupled Fano-resonance. The vertically polarized THz excites a high-order trapped mode of coupled multiple dipole oscillations beyond the frequency of intrinsic low-order dipole oscillation. The Q factors of trapped modes increase with the displacement of the top-and-bottom gap increase. For the first time, our results reveal the trapped modes’ evolution owing to the interaction of Fano-resonators conductively coupled under different symmetry.
© 2017 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

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